Royal family

Royal family
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Binbou Reijou no Kanchigai Seijo Den
7,919 3 13

Binbou Reijou no Kanchigai Seijo Den

Me, The Heavenly Destined Villain
541K 161 1,519

Me, The Heavenly Destined Villain

The Hero Returns
202K 15 621

The Hero Returns

Catching Up With Luke Bischel
21K 6 21

Catching Up With Luke Bischel

Treacherous Subject Saves the Country
24K 4 54

Treacherous Subject Saves the Country

Doctor Resignation
26K 5 39

Doctor Resignation

Somehow I Raised A Prince
18K 3 19

Somehow I Raised A Prince

How to Survive a Thousand Deaths: Accidentally Wooing Everyone as an Ex-gamer Made Villainess!
52K 4 43

How to Survive a Thousand Deaths: Accidentally Wooing Everyone as an Ex-gamer Made Villainess!

The Villainess wants to get rid of her husband! -I was doing whatever I wanted, but for some reason it was called "The Crown Prince's Book"~
6,836 2 7

The Villainess wants to get rid of her husband! -I was doing whatever I wanted, but for some reason it was called "The Crown Prince's Book"~

The Villainess wants to get rid of her husband! -I was doing whatever I wanted, but for some reason it was called "The Crown Prince's Book"~
4,110 2 4

The Villainess wants to get rid of her husband! -I was doing whatever I wanted, but for some reason it was called "The Crown Prince's Book"~