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Manga Romance

Review Manga

Peerless God
5,149 4 11

Peerless God

The Guardian's Dragon
350 3 0

The Guardian's Dragon

Gundaddy Immortal
22K 7 31

Gundaddy Immortal

The Guide to Capturing a Black Lotus
795 3 1

The Guide to Capturing a Black Lotus

The Double Agent
1,473 2 0

The Double Agent

Immortal Technical College
3,210 3 2

Immortal Technical College

The Mortal Assasin
1,269 3 3

The Mortal Assasin

My NPCs Are Too Hard To Tease
1,688 3 2

My NPCs Are Too Hard To Tease

The Return of the Dominator
5,470 6 19

The Return of the Dominator

I Am the Strongest in History
2,873 3 1

I Am the Strongest in History

Rise of the Phoenix
273 2 0

Rise of the Phoenix

Betabore no Kon'yakusha ga Akuyaku Reijou ni Sare Sou na no de.
1,542 3 3

Betabore no Kon'yakusha ga Akuyaku Reijou ni Sare Sou na no de.

285 4 0


God Retreat
5,423 5 13

God Retreat

Idol’s Husky is a great streamer?!
1,138 5 2

Idol’s Husky is a great streamer?!

Princess, Please Distance Yourself A Little
583 4 3

Princess, Please Distance Yourself A Little

Uncharted Walker
10K 4 1

Uncharted Walker

My Father Is the Enemy of My Past Life? (Promo)
639 3 3

My Father Is the Enemy of My Past Life? (Promo)

Sloth King
657 3 4

Sloth King

Honobo no Isekai Tensei Days ~ Level Counter, Item Mochi Goshi! Watashi wa Saikyou Youjo desu~
3,455 3 7

Honobo no Isekai Tensei Days ~ Level Counter, Item Mochi Goshi! Watashi wa Saikyou Youjo desu~

Armored Collossus
271 2 2

Armored Collossus

Wu Ni Shan He
569 3 3

Wu Ni Shan He

Outta Fire
881 3 1

Outta Fire

Ningen Shikkaku
1,561 3 0

Ningen Shikkaku

Kurusu Alice is so COOOOL!
574 3 1

Kurusu Alice is so COOOOL!

The Emperor's Dog
383 3 1

The Emperor's Dog

Your Majesty Is So Handsome
477 3 0

Your Majesty Is So Handsome

The Female CEO's Close-Quarter Mad Soldier
3,756 3 11

The Female CEO's Close-Quarter Mad Soldier

Super Income Treasure
7,418 8 22

Super Income Treasure

0 15 3


Phantom High
6,250 3 6

Phantom High

I’m the Master of this Life
1,515 3 1

I’m the Master of this Life

I’m the Master of this Life
1,340 2 0

I’m the Master of this Life

4,877 3 1


A Classmate with a Specific Future Goal
881 3 0

A Classmate with a Specific Future Goal

Absolute Darling Girlfriends
1,428 3 3

Absolute Darling Girlfriends